Product Liability - Injured At Home

Products that we buy and use every day don't always work as they are intended.  When product manufacturers fail to resolve obvious defects, they can be held accountable for the injuries their products inflict.

Defective or Malfunctioning Products

For the most part, products we use will work as advertised. When things go wrong, and serious injuries result, most people place the blame on themselves first and assume they have used the product incorrectly. However, user error doesn’t always explain product-related injuries.

Over the years, there have been countless instances where manufacturers, designers, marketers, and other representatives of a company rushed to release a product without performing adequate safety checks, or without informing the public about known risks.

When this happens, it is considered negligence. Corporations have a responsibility to protect consumers, and failing to perform their duty of care can make them responsible for any injuries you or your loved one have suffered.

Types of Product Liability Claims

There are three major types of defective product claims you can bring against a company, group, or individual person:

  1. Manufacturing and factory defects; or negligence committed by the creators of the product.
  2. Design and engineering defects; or negligence committed during the planning and ideation phase of the product development process.
  3. Failure to adequately warn or inform consumers about proper use; or negligence committed by marketers, sales personnel, and manufacturers in preparing the product for mass consumption.

Depending on which category your defective product claim falls into, you may be bringing your product liability case against a variety of defendants, or multiple people at once. From the marketers who package and promote the product, to the engineers who first came up with the idea and planned its execution.  You can often hold many parties accountable when use of a product results in serious injury.

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